Selasa, 01 Januari 2019

Daily Activitiy Final Praktek Inggris

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Thursday,06 December 2018

 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hello guys, how are you, hopefully your news is fine, and always protected by Allah SWT. This time I will tell you about my activities to prepare for the Test Practice, by preparing this exam, in each group we have to make a pastry table with various themes, my group makes the theme "The Jungle". By making this theme I and my friends must prepare the concept first, starting from the equipment that will be used until what cake will be made. With passion and strong determination we must strengthen our cohesiveness in working together, because this is the final test of our practice and this is also our farewell between our beloved kitchen.

Before the day of our practice exam, before we prepared cake and bread that had been determined. Hours 08:00 am I entered the kitchen, and started to prepare the ingredients, I was tasked with making Brownies Salted Caramel, Lapis Surabaya, Whole Cake, Candy Meringue, and decorating all cake. Whereas my friends have their respective duties. By making 17 kinds of cakes and bread, we finish them until 1:00 a.m., with our enthusiasm, all the products we make can run smoothly, I am very touched by my friends they are very passionate about working on this product.

The next morning at 7:00 a.m., my friends prepared all the food menus to be taken to the immigration office located in the center of Independence, all of our food was packed and brought into the car prepared by the campus. And don't miss us bringing all the furniture into the car. We use 2 cars because there are many items we will carry, me, Hana, Aty, Dilla and Valent, we use Valent cars, while the senses and Ranggo use the car from campus, all heavy furniture is in the campus car, while the pruduct cake is put into valent car.

By traveling for 1 hour, suddenly we get a disaster in the middle of the trip, our car is ticketed by the police, but the problem is over. Until the immigration office we immediately bring our belongings on the 2nd floor, there we will set up our food. Each of my friends started rushing to arrange all the furniture and food, and display it as beautifully as possible. For 20 minutes we arranged food and furniture, we had finished arranging it as beautifully as possible. Before starting the meal, the immigration chief and the director pack met at the round table together, where they assessed our results. After that, all employees took photos with us, and ate together.

While they were eating, we gave the appraisal paper to the employees there, the paper was aimed at the results of our exam, after receiving the results of their assessment, thank God the results were very good. after that at 1:15 p.m., we were finished and started cleaning all the areas we had used, and brought the items into the car. After that we said goodbye to the employees there. That's all I can tell about my pastry table activities, hopefully it can be taken positive.


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