Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

daily Report sub inggris part 01

Daily Activities

Tourism Polytechnic Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Tuesday , 31 july 2018

tarlet by my team

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
     Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. I will share my activities in the kitchen with my friend and lecturer, the first thing I will tell you is about chef salam with Tarlet. First, I will introduce the chef salam, but not least I tell you about his experience and biodiversity because we just met him. Chef salam us with Pak Ichal, chef salam is a pastry chef who has a lot of experience about pastry, many things he knows, so we have to ask the chef because chef only taught us in the kitchen.
chef salam make tarlet
The second thing I want to tell you about is being present, today the chef salam will teach us how to make sugar dough (tarlet). Before making my sugar dough and just prepare the ingredients that will be exemplified directly by the chef salam . After preparing the ingredients, the chef immediately taught us how to make sugar dough (tarlet) well. The main thing that chef explains is the ingredients for sugar dough, all the ingredients are explained by the chef until how to make. When the sugar dough has been shaped, leave it in the chiller.  And bake in the into the oven, the results made by the chef salam are very good and the results are correct. Chef salam also provide knowledge when making sugar dough namely rubbing egg yolks into a half-baked sugar dough and burning again in the oven, the purpose of the egg yolk is, so that the tarlet results are solid and when du, the contents are absorbed on the tarlet.

mr.ical make croissant
When the chef salam finished teaching us, he told us to make a tarlet as he had demonstrated. when all the groups finished making the tarlet, the result of tarlet was good. After making the tarlet, we take a short break to do worship. After that, we were directed by Mr. Ichal to make croissants. Mr. Ichal also taught us to make good and right croissants. We also make croissants which have been shown by him. After making croissants, we continued to rest and eat together, when we finished eating together, we kept cleaning the kitchen.

Thank you,
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb


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