Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Daily report 05

Daily Activities

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb

                            Soto Padang                                                    Ikan Cuka

hello guys good night, have a nice day. Today I will recount my activities during practice, as usual I do my blog tasks routinely. In the morning I arrived on time at 7:30 am, unlike before I came late practice practice, but with my mistake I am responsible what I did wrong at the time. Today me and my friends do an oneline every day before doing, as my supervisor and pak ical explain, we are doing our respective tasks.

For the menu today is the Indonesian Buffet menu, which is the menu that exists in all of Indonesia which is typical with the flavor of spices and spices.Before the group doing me and my friends to share the tasks that will be done. Today I get the task of making "Soup fish" before I make the vinegar sauce I prepare prepared ingredients that I prepared yesterday. After I prepare everything I take to make the sauce according to recipe.

Condiment Soup                                                                                              kroket kentang

First stock my chicken heat, then I enter shallot, chili, garlic, tumeric leaf, kefir leaf and seasoning ingredients. After I enter some of the ingredients I enter rice vinegar, then I try it with a unique flavor in vinegar, it tastes like fresh will vinegar. After all the ingredients entered I enter the last ingredient of the fish that was made yesterday. After I enter some of the ingredients I enter rice vinegar, then I try it with a distinctive flavor in vinegar, it tastes like fresh vinegar. After all the ingredients inserted I enter the last ingredient of the fish that was made yesterday. After I finish everything I petrified my friend, anything that has not been made such as preparation condiment, as for condiment for the soup  lemon, leek, fried onion, soy sauce.

                                                                                Soup Buffet

After all the soup has finished, I clean the work area. And I continue preparation for tomorrow that is the main course menu, I prepare the ingredients such as boiled egg stew then I chill and then peeled then I cut into 4 parts. After that I cut the chilli with small size, after that sliced the onion, then I put it in the chiller. so from my blog hopefully my blog can be useful from the positive side.






                                            Preperation for oriental buffer

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


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