Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Daily Report Activities 02

Wednesday, 07 February 2018

Daily Report Activities

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

This morning, I did a lot of activities with my group mates. For the menu today is the menu "European Buffet" from the buffet menu I get a dessert menu that is dessert, which usually is menis. For the dessert menu is Creame Brulle and Orange Truffle, but today my group just finishing the two dessert. Here is an example of a European Buffet menu.

European Buffet
Macedoine of vegetable mayonnaise
Shrimp Bisque
Puree of pumpkin soup
Orange Truffles
Crème Brulee

Then after that, our group shares assignments, what we will do next. I got the 
garnish crème brulle part, after I got my assignment. I am responsible for my 
work, first I prepare is cut the grapes, cherry, and peaches. After cutting the 
fruit I went on crème toasting. Then, after preparing all the garnish I do the


After all have been prepared until the opening restaurant and clean each area.
 We take a break and do the prayer. After the break, we continue preparing all 
the ingredients for tomorrow's menu. The menu we were going to prepare was the 
manu "Oriental Buffet" our group got the task of preparing the appetaizert menu. 
For the menu we prepared are "Thai beef salad" and "Chinese spinach and peanut 
salad". So our group just prepared Spinach that cut fan fry peanuts.
For today, may be useful yah guys wassalamualikum Wr.Wb


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