Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Daily Report 04

Daily Activities

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Good night guys, have a nice day ye guys. Before I tell my practice, I will tell you what I did before starting the practice. Today I wake up early, because this morning will be performed flag ceremony which is done every month once every 17th. After the ceremony, my friend and I prepared to change the theoretical clothes with a practice shirt, after changing clothes we prepared to go to the practice room, and I arrived late.
After I got to the practice room, I went oneline with my supervisor and friends. After oneline and pak ical explained me and my group doing doing. For today we only do preperan for tomorrow. Menu today is the menu "Indonesia Buffet" we get the soup menu, namely soto padang and fish vinegar. Before doing and preparing all the ingredients we split the task, I was assigned to handle the vinegar fish.
Seasonings for vinegar
Seasonings are in saute
The end result of vinegar seasoning
My first task was to take the spices that were on the recipe and I washed and cut them, after I cut them I smoothed them with oil. Then the spices are smooth I saute until the spice out the scent on the dish. After I have finished working on spices for vinegar, I help my friend cut the condiment for soto padang.
Boil potatoes                                                    Destroy the potatoes
Shaping                                                                                                The final result
Hope can be useful yah guys, good luck waiting for my next blog...
 Wassalamualaikum W.r W.b


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