Senin, 05 Maret 2018

daily report part 08

Daily Activities

Politeknik Pariwisata makassar

Manjamen Tata Boga

Minggu, 05 Maret 2018

Assalamiualaikum guys, thanks for reading my blog this time. See you again this Monday morning on 05/03/2018 I enter the campus at 7:35 pm, then I immediately wear kitchen supplies, after that I do oneline with my supevaisor and friends. Do oneline and supervaisorus give directed to us, we lengsung do do. For the menu today is a continental menu is a menu that is characteristic of europan. On this day I just do the preparation, because as usual restorant open on Tuesday to Thursday, so Monday closed restorant.

For Jellied Fruit Salad

Before doing the doing, I shared with my group some work as well as some, the menus distributed, I was given the task of making a jellied fruit salad. Before I tell you my job today, I explain to you that today I am on appetizert menu, there are some appetizert menu like, Jellied fruit salad, macedoine of vegetable mayonnaise, club sandwich and monte cristo sandwich. Before I prepare all the ingredients for the jellied fruit salad I look for the ingredients first, after which I cut the fruit, peel the rind of mandarin oranges, and make two kinds of jelly.

For Macadoine Of Vegetable Mayonaise

Then after I prepared the ingredients for tomorrow. I went on to help my friend make toast bread, we made toast bread for sandwiches. Apparently when I try to make toast bread is quite fun for me, because it takes patience to make bread. There are several things to make bread to be better like, make it must be full of patience, then must be in accordance with the Quantity. After all the ingredients have been prepared. I did another task of making french rice to be eaten by my classmates.

Toast Bread

Okay guys, enough for today I tell you about my practice with my friends, hopefully my blog can be useful yah and positive value for you children of Indonesia nation.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


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