Selasa, 06 November 2018

Daily report sub inggris part 05

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Monday, 29 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, today I will tell you about the activities I did in the kitchen, but I will tell you about my trip to campus. At 7:25 am I get ready to go to the kitchen, the trip from boarding to campus is about 7 minutes, until I arrive at the campus I rush into the kitchen, and complete my uniform like, apron, hat, knife, spoon and others. After completing the uniform, while waiting for Pak Jaya, we sat for a while in class. At 9:00 a.m., sir, come in, and explain what things will be made for this week. For this week, my group is in charge of preparing breakfast every Thursday. When Pak Jaya explained, breakfast today was a tape of cassava, croissants, brudel, cake, cupcake, spring rolls, lapis legit.

After Pak Jaya finished explaining, I and my group friends divided the assignments, me, Hana, and Aty in charge of making things related to cake while valent, ranggo, and senses were in charge related to bread. After the assignment was finished, I also divided the tasks with Aty and Hana, I was tasked with making sponge cake and cupcake, or making legit layers and hana making chocolate ganache and white ganche and cream for filling. At 10:25 we started to prepare breakfast. First I made sponge cake, all the ingredients I prepared until baking the cake.

After that I made a cupcake, the main thing I did was prepare the ingredients until baking it. Oh guys, maybe that's all I can tell about my activities. Hopefully what I can tell is useful for those of you who read it. If you want to do something, but the work is very difficult or a lot, it would be nice to do it patiently.\

Thank you
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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