Selasa, 06 November 2018

Daily report sub inggrus part 07

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, how are you? Hopefully your news is fine, and always given protection by Allah SWT. Today I will tell you about my activities today which are full of struggle for the future . Today was the day when my group ended up preparing breakfast, at 10:10 am I prepared to go to campus, when I arrived at campus I immediately asked for the kitchen key to security, but the back kitchen key was not there, but I was given a lobby or key new kitchen. After arriving at the kitchen I immediately prepared and removed all the food that had been prepared yesterday.

After that I heat the water, for tea and coffee, and prepare steaming for the doko-doko unti and apply cassava tape. After that my friends came, they immediately prepared everything that I had not prepared before, some worked to heat croissants and danish, fry spring rolls, mix sea cucumbers with brown sugar, cut the lapis legit and bluder, while I decorated the cake and cupcake. After a few minutes, I immediately set up all the menus to the building directorate with Hana, Senses, and Ranggo. Towards our directorate using motorbikes, I was very happy to see my group friends so solid with other friends. After that, all the food we deliver to the director has been completed, I immediately decorate the table provided.

After a few minutes later, my friends and I have finished to set up the food as well as possible. With this halloween theme, all lecturers are interested in this theme 😄, after that at 8:30 the lecturers have come to breakfast, I am very happy with their smiles again today, moreover they like to eat our products, see someone eating what we cook , feeling very happy. Okay guys, that's all I can say, hopefully it can be useful with the story and can contain positive meanings.

Thank you
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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