Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018

Daily Report sub inggris part 03

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, this time I will share my routine activities in the kitchen. Today I went to campus at 7:10 a.m., this morning I came quickly because of the ceremony on the 17th, which was held every once a month. At 8:15 we finished the ceremony, then I changed the kitchen uniform. After changing my clothes and uniforms completely, I went on to make cake orders and study carving with the chef salam. First I prepared sponge ingredients for cake, after the cake was cooked I immediately formed the cake to form the numbers 2 and 1. After the cake was shaped as the number I wanted, I went shopping for the cake box with my friend namely ions. I bought a cake box in Baji Pamai, Baji Pamai is a complete cake and cake ingredients shop at an affordable price.

After finishing buying cake equipment, I immediately painted the number cake according to the wishes of the consumers who had ordered before. After finishing the cake, I immediately saw the chef salam carving fruit with my friends. When I saw the chef greeting carving fruit, I was very happy to see it because it was the first time I saw people coloring fruit in various forms such as 3-dimensional flower shapes. After that, I made chocolate cheese flavored cake roll, this order was my friend's order, ade.

After all the cake was finished, I went to in musque to perform Ashar prayer with my friends, after that I and General Cleaning friends immediately. When we finished the general cleaning, we continued the Maghrib prayer with my friends. at 6:20 a.m. we immediately sat back behind the kitchen, at that time we joked together laughter, but at that time I immediately went home first, due to delivering cake. OK guys, that's all I can say, all three of my blogs can be positive and have good meaning.

Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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