Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018

Daily report sub inggris part 04

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Monday , 13 August 2018

make tiramisu

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
               Hello everyone, today I will share my activities in the kitchen, and also tell you about our sadness today. The first activity I will tell is about making croissants, today the croissants we made failed the third time. Today is really disappointing for us and Mr. ical, we are very guilty of that. Because our croissants failed we were given a six- run around the field.
sponge cake

              The good thing I will tell you about is to make basic sponge cake. Today we got the task of making sponge cake, for some groups there were also those who made classic geniuse and sponge cake. My group was given the task of making sponge cake. After finished making the sponge cake, and the results were good and did not fail. When the sponge cake was finished and in cold condition, I continued making frossting and espresso syrup for tiramisu. I prepare materials and equipment for making frosting.
ingredients for sponge cake

                After making the frosting, I started to decorate the cake with the chef salam, the chef salam us how to decorate the cake. After decorating the cake, we did a general cleaning together, finished cleaning, I worshiped with my friend. So from my blog, hopefully it can be useful.
Thank you,
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb


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