Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018

Daily Report sub inggris part 06

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Wednesday , 15 August 2018

Chocolate Mouse

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
               Hay, welcome to my sixth blog. Today I will tell my activities in the kitchen on Wednesday 08/15/2018, my activities today are very many guys, the main thing I tell you is about cake decoration. Today I will finish the cremeux cake, only just decorate it. The main thing that I did is preparing the cake decoration, which is making white glaze, and brown garnish. For white glaze I use gelatine powder, water, powdered sugar, white chocolate, all ingredients are put together and put in pan sauce except white chocolate. After I made the white glaze, I continued to make chocolate garnish.
Orange mouse cake

Today I also have to prepare materials for tomorrow. But because I made an order for a birthday cake, so I only helped a little with my group. When I finished preparing the garnish, I started to decorate the cake, because the cake has lemon flavor, so I gave the orange glaze to the white color. Then after finishing the cake for my team, I continued to make a birthday cake. The second thing I did was to continue the year-old cake that was covered with cream and made a mouse cake yesterday. So what I will do first is the rainbow sponge cake.

So for the rainbow sponge cake I gave the blue color to the cream and a little purple. The third thing I did make a mouse cake, the mouse that I will make is chocolate and I give strawberry garnish, ganache chocolate and adible flower. OKey, this is all I can said, hopefully it can be useful.
Thank you,
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb


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