Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Daily report sub inggris part 08

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Monday , 27 August 2018

Assalamuaikum wr. Wb

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog .in this blog is full of everyday stories and activities that I did every day. Today I will tell you about the activities that I did, the thing we did was prepare materials for tomorrow with the theme Indonesia buffet. This activity is suggested directly by Mr. wawan and Mr. Ichal because tomorrow there is a guest to observe the dishes that we will make tomorrow. Not only that we will prepare but make sourdough, we have to prepare the culprit to make sweet bread.
cutting boiling egg

When all groups have gotten to make food, we do it for doing, for my group that is making appetizers and soup, my group will prepare the ingredients for the soto banjar and dojang naken. At 12:30 am we have finished preparing the material for tomorrow, after that I take a pray dzuhur with my friend namely ajeng and hana. After we prayed, my friend and my group friends helped other friends, so that the work was done quickly. I helped the dessert group to make doko doko cangkuning, this dessert was made from coconut milk, rice flour, and gave a sweet taste to coconut mixed with brown sugar.

make doko doko cangkuning

Doko doko cangkuning is very unique for people who just saw it. This Doko doko cangkuning is triangular in shape wrapped in banana leaves. The texture of the doka doka cangkuning when finished in steamed, the texture is chewy ,savory and sweet. This food is my favorite food, even though in my area, the name of the cake is mendut  but the people of Sulawesi call it doka doka cangkuning. Of my activities today, hopefully it can be useful, guys.


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