Senin, 19 November 2018

Daily Report sub inggris part 12

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Thursday, 15 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, how are you? Hopefully your news is fine, and always be protected by Allah. Today was our last day in the Makassar tourism polytechnic kitchen, so fast and not felt that we would part with our beloved kitchen like our own home. On this day we will make a memorable video and deliver about the kitchen for more than two years together. There will be many memories in a kitchen that is like a family, and this kitchen has a hot atmosphere if we are in the kitchen and cold when in the pastry, like that the kitchen is hot and cold but they are still united even though they are not one in a nature different.

The last activity we did was to make selling products and prepare a sales menu for tomorrow, the menu that will be made today is original chicken geprek and what will be made tomorrow is a macha cream croissant, chocolate croissant, ice tea, and chiffu pok pok. The menu that will be sold tomorrow is very cheap and attractive, only 5k. After that, I will make a mini whole cake and roll cake order, as usual before starting to make it, I prepare the ingredients, after preparing the ingredients I start to make it. After making the sponge I was eager to make Japanase pancakes that are super soft and very different from the usual pancakes.

But after I made the dough, I continued to cook it, suddenly I handed it to my friend Fikar, maybe because I wasn't feeling well. After that I continued to make caramel sauce for pancakes. After that I will explain a little about, what is japanase cake? Japanese Souffle Pancake or Japanese Fluffy Pancake, this dish is starting to be popular in the eyes of culinary lovers because its shape looks thicker and softer than the appearance of pancakes in general. The presentation also varies, from adding ice cream, fruit slices, maple syrup to bacon and eggs.okey that I can tell and explain, hopefully it can be useful, oh yeah guys, after the end of my last story on this blog, we also before we went back to the kitchen and took a photo together with the ichal we loved. Goodbye guys, I hope this blog can have sweet stories and memories.

Thank You
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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