Senin, 19 November 2018

Daily Report sub inggris part 11

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Wednesday, 14 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, this time I will tell you about my activities at Kitcthen with my friends. Today is my third day in the Makassar tourism polytechnic kitchen, sad to hear that, I love this kitchen because of many sweet and bitter memories, but more sweet memories. At 7:10 a.m., I was in the kitchen and immediately put on full clothes, namely, apron, spoon, knife and others. After that, my friends and I relaxed in class, while sitting in class we immediately ate indomie fried noodles made by my friends, thank God there was a fortune this morning.

After that, my friends and I prepared products to be sold today, the products that will be sold are original geprek chicken. After that I tried making caramel sauce pancakes, before making pancakes I prepared the lunch first, the ingredients to use were flour, baking powder, eggs, salt, liquid milk, butter after the ingredients were ready I started making it well and correctly. After making pancakes, I also make caramel sauce, the ingredients needed are sugar, cooking cream, water and butter. After that I decorate pancakes on a plate and take a picture of a pancake. After everything was finished I continued to prepare the meringue order that I made yesterday, and today just put meringue in a beautiful place.

After placing the meringue in a container, I also made meringue advertisements to be sold on social media. After finishing meringue, I'll explain a little about what pancakes are. Pancakes are known to Europeans, the Romans actually knew pancakes first. Food in the form of flat bread is made from flour, milk, eggs, and this seasoning is then burned on a flat pan. They call it "Alita Dolcia" (meaning: sweet food). Usually, Romans consume pancakes with honey or fruit syrup. Panekuk is a pancake made from flour, chicken eggs, sugar and milk. The ingredients are mixed with water to form a thick dough fried on a flat pan smeared with a little oil. Once cooked, pancakes can be served while still warm or after being cold. Ok guys, all that I can say, hopefully it can be useful and positive, guys.
Thank you
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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