Selasa, 06 November 2018

daily report sub inggris part 08

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Thursday, 01 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi everybody, meet me again on a blog full of different stories, hope you don't get bored with my story. This time is my 4th day for this week, lots of stories or knowledge about things related to the kitchen area. Okay guys, I'll give a little understanding of what carving and weaving are? "Carving is the activity of processing the surface of a tridimensional object by making a difference in height from the surface so that certain images are obtained. Carving is often associated with sculpting activities. While weaving means arranging bafang slats or sheets overlapping and crossing. Blades or sheets -The sheet arranged in this form can be in the form of bamboo, pandanus leaves, coconut leaf, paper, rattan or tang-tang skin.

After I explained about carving and weaving, it turns out that it has something to do with my story or activity that I did today, what is that? "First of all, I will explain the hour of my arrival to campus, today I am at 7:55 am, this time I was a little too late because I woke up late, but I would try even more so that I would not be complacent anymore, maybe because of the tiredness and tiredness. After I arrived at the kitchen I immediately carved out carrots, but before I did that, me and Hana first buying carrots at the cendrawasih market, which is not so far from the campus takes 15 minutes to get there.

After that, when I arrived at the kitchen I immediately carved carrots, this time I wanted to shape it into tulips and windmills. While carving, I while watching on youtube. To carve a fruit or vegetable that has a hard texture so hard to make for beginners and takes a little longer. After 2 hours I have finished carving carrots into tulips and windmills. After that I did sholag worship with my friends, at 1:10 I continued to learn to weave pandan leaves into ketupat, so complicated working on this diamond. Before weaving I asked for an example for me how to make it. Okay guys, that's me who I can say, hopefully what I can is positive.

Thank You
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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