Senin, 19 November 2018

Daily Report sub inggris part 09

Daily Activity

Tourism Polytechnic of Makassar

Culinary Arts Management “5th semester”

Monday, 12 October 2018

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb

Hi guys, spirit in the morning, hopefully your are  fine and always protected by Allah SWT. This week is the last week of practice in the kitchen, sad news that began to grip me, does not feel time has passed so fast, this is where all the moments in the kitchen can be remembered, hopefully in the future we can be successful with friends. Okay guys, the first thing I will discuss is about my came at campus, at 7:30 am I came to the kitchen with my friend, riding a motorbike. After arriving at the kitchen, I immediately used a complete procedure, starting from the apron, knife, spoon, etc., except I didn't wear a hat today, I forgot to bring it.

After my uniform is complete, I have breakfast first class, I only have biscuits and water, just to maintain health so it does not hurt, because kitchen work is very much. And we must prioritize health as well guys, after that Mr. Iical came to class to explain today's activities, this morning Alhamdulillah we can meet with healthy conditions guys, may Allah always protect us. Then after Mr. ical explained, we started dividing groups for sales today, so today's activity is to sell in a week by reaching the target of 2 billion.

After the group was divided, Hana and I made a cake for the order today, the order of the day was 3 cakes namely roll cake and 2 whole cakes. When I was in pastry and Hana divided the assignments, I was in charge of making sponge cake and hana in charge of making cream for cake, while making my sponge and Hana talking together about today's sales that went smoothly, after the sponge was finished I continued praying with friends my friend, after that I continued making chocolate garnish and finishing 2 whole cake different from garnish while gama made roll cake. Okay today, that's all I can say, hopefully it can be useful and contain positive stories.
Thank you                       
Wassalamualikum. Wr. wb


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